Can I pause my subscription?

If you’ve subscribed via, you can pause your subscription for up to 90 days per year. You’re free to split this time into two separate pauses, for example, to cover both a vacation and an illness. Just keep in mind that to initiate a second pause, you’ll need to have at least 15 of the 90 days remaining.

Here’s how you can pause your subscription:

  1. Log in to your Gymondo account at

  2. Click on your name in the top-right corner of the page.

  3. Select Your Account.

  4. Click the pencil icon at the end of the line next to Your Membership.

  5. Activate the pause.

If you want to resume your subscription earlier than the full 90 days - for example, after your vacation or once you're feeling better - you can deactivate the pause in the same section.

What Happens to the Paused Time?

Once you end the pause, the paused time will automatically be added to the end of your subscription period. However, our system cannot calculate or display the updated renewal date until the pause is officially deactivated. So, don’t end the pause just to check your new renewal date, as you’ll only have one more pause available afterward.

Does Pausing Stop the Automatic Renewal?

Please note that pausing your subscription will only delay the automatic renewal if the pause is activated at least one day before your next renewal date.

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