Now, you can replace any workout from your active program with another one.
You can find the Replace icon in two places on the website:
- Under My Plan, you can see your upcoming workouts. Hover your mouse over the top-right corner of the workout card to reveal the Replace icon.
- On your Timeline under the Upcoming tab, you’ll see a list of your upcoming workings. Hover your mouse over the top-right corner of the workout card to reveal the Replace icon.
- On your Timeline under the Upcoming tab, you’ll see a list of your upcoming workings. Hover your mouse over the top-right corner of the workout card to reveal the Replace icon.
Where can I find the Replace icon on the mobile app?
On mobile, you can find the Replace icon on your Timeline under the Today tab. The icon can be found in the lower-right corner of the workout card.
What happens when I click/tap on the Replace icon?
When clicking/tapping on the Replace icon, the scheduled workout will be replaced with another workout from the same active program.
Will my program get shorter when I replace a workout?
No, the program length is not impacted by replacing a workout. We simply replace the workout with another one from your active program.
Why do I not see a Replace icon on my workout card?
Some of our programs (for example those by Sophia Thiel) have a strict timeline - each workout is scheduled in sequence. For these programs, the Replace feature is not available.